Massage Hawaïen - Lomi Lomi - Carole Berger
Terapias Complementares

Massage Hawaïen - Lomi Lomi - Carole Berger


- Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture Therapy : Acupuncture Treatment Acupuncture Therapy : Acupuncture Training Acupuncture Therapy : Finding an Acupuncturist

- Keep Walking
Just to check this out...... The Organs of your body have their sensory touches at the bottom of your foot, if you massage these points you will find relief from aches and pains as you can see the heart is on the left foot. Typically they are shown...

- Ancient Healing Art Becoming More Popular
By Dr. Mercola Ayurveda is an ancient holistic system of medicine and natural healing from India, and is the oldest known form of healthcare in the world. We can find historical evidence of Ayurveda in the ancient books of wisdom known as the Vedas, written...

- Formação Em Terapias Manuais Ayurvédicas
Alba Associação Luso Brasileira de Ayurvédica A Alba em conjunto com a Associação Europeia dos Profissionais de Yoga, Yogaterapia e Ayurveda vai dar início a mais um curso Terapias Manuais Ayurvédicas. Próximos cursos: Lisboa: 06 de Julho....

- 1º Fórum Massagem
O 1º Encontro Nacional sobre Massagens e Terapias Manuais promovido pelo Portal da Massagem ( Dias 11 e 12 de Outubro - IPJ - Parque das Nações. Os socios que se inscreverem na Associação tem 10%...

Terapias Complementares
